My Portfolio

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Creating better 3D characters - Blender Week 2

Currently about 1/3rd through the Blender 3d modeling course with half of the ninja finished. Completed the modules on creating the torso, arms and hands.

The model isn't perfectly close to how the course does it but I feel I've learned a lot about the basics so far. If I were to try and get better at this, I think learning more about the human anatomy in terms of muscle groups would be pretty helpful in better modeling.  If I don't skip some modules I should be done in the next two weeks . However, I want to move on to learning about character rigging so I an get to character animation sooner so I'll skim the next couple modules and revisit them in the future when I think I need to learn it well. 

Looking at all the different skills I need to learn and the knowledge depth in programs such as Unity and Blender, I'm really realizing inside how much there is still to learn. 

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